5S Housekeeping Implementation & Auditing System

“System thinking without systems thinker will change nothing”
– Derek and Laura Cabrera –

5S Housekeeping Implementation & Auditing System is a workplace organization methodology to improve productivity, through eliminating waste, and Quality, through reducing variation.


5S Housekeeping Implementation & Auditing System also facilitates a structured dialog about standardization which builds a clear understanding, between employees, of how work should be done. This structured approach can be used in a manufacturing, distribution or office environment and in all types of industries.


5S Housekeeping Implementation & Auditing System is often the first step toward implementing a lean-based Operational Excellence initiative, as it reduces wastes due to internal transportation, motion and waiting, and builds a solid foundation for the implementation of flow production, visual management, and standard operations.


The 5S’s stem from five Japanese words: Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke. Commonly translated as Sort, Set-in-Order or Simplify Access, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain.


Class Size: Preferably 20 persons

5S Housekeeping Implementation & Auditing System

focuses on the following areas:

Strategy Planning

Action Execution

Work Culture Cultivation



Training Outcome

After completing the program, you should be able to:

Quality Management​

Quality Awareness for Operators/Supervisor

ISO 9001 Awareness & Internal Audit

Customer Services

After completing the training, you should be able to:

5 Star Service Excellence

Customer Relationship Management

Customer Service Telephone Skill

Delighting Customers and Management Customer Dissatisfaction

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