Effective Leadership Skill

“Go to the people, Learn from them, love them. Start with what they know, Build on what they have. But the best of leaders, when their task is accomplished and their work is done, ‘We have done it ourselves’, the people will all remark”
– Lao Tzu, 23 B.C. –

If training and other offsite events are to offer value, their inclusion in an overall corporate structure of philosophies, values and practices is critical.

Effective Leadership Skill is about the process of training a work group to operate in a team-oriented environment that is characterized by such philosophies as shared purpose, shared values, shared vision, shared mission and a performance development system that enables people to grow both personally and professionally. It is ideal for organizations with a high mix of seniority in age, experience and competency.

This program is designed to give participants a distinct advantage over other organizations that don’t believe in Team Power and Transformation. The program creates awareness for teamwork and has participants devoted to achieving self- empowerment as individuals and as a team to reach new heights and create new paradigms in working relationships.

Class Size: Preferably 20 persons

Effective Leadership Skill

focuses on the following areas:

4 stages of team development

Change management


Emotional intelligence

Goal setting

Training Outcome

After completing the program, you should be able to:

Management Effectiveness

High Impact

Effective Middle Management

Business Acumen
for Managers

Business Performance Excellence for Growth

Supervisory Programme

Breakthrough Thinking

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