Emotional Intelligence Training Program Malaysia

Professional Emotional Intelligence Training shares about human evolve in generation, technology advances, things get easier and faster, and many more benefits arises. Yet there are always two sides of a coin. As things get easier, people become weaker in execution because basic steps are covered by technology, attention spans are shorter as things we want, we get it fast. The worse is taking things for granted in and on anything. The more advance we are, the more we are imitating robots. Hence, generates the interest and importance of Emotional Intelligence or Emotion Quotient (EQ) as most people call it.

EQ is the one of the most important skills to keep us sane, humane, and grounded in who we are, what we want and how we want to become. Its focus is to teach us the ability to understand, appropriate, and mange our emotions the right way.

Emotional Intelligence is the key skill that makes us different from robots and technology, and this skill is hardly to be replicated and replace by robots.
If its irreplaceable means it is useful and important no matter when and where. So why not learn it now!?

Emotional Intelligence Training Program can help us in many ways:

·         Creates firm relationships with others

·         Boost our motivation in times of need

·         Manages and regulates our emotions and stress

·         Provides sensitivity on interpersonal communication

·         Keeps us calm and logistical when making decisions

·         Give us the spark of self-awareness to improve further

·         Enhance our natural influencing ability to our surroundings

·         Strengthens our resilience when faced with challenges and obstacles

EQ Program 1
EQ Program 2

Emotional Intelligence Training Malaysia is a big and wide subject locally, here are some of the program we created just for YOU:

·         EQ & U!

·         EQ for HR

·         EQ for Managers

·         EQ for HR Environment

·         Assertiveness in developing Leaders

·         EQ Training for Extraordinary Productivity

·         Emotional Intelligence (EQ) for Winning Leadership and Management

Effective Communication​

Communication and Relationship Using D.I.S.C

Communication and Results in The Workplace

Winning Business Relationships

Power Communication in NLP

Communication and Relationship in The Workplace

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