Winning Negotiation

“The reason we negotiate is to produce an outcome better than the outcome we can obtain without negotiating.”

– Roger Fisher & William Ury –

Authors of Getting To Yes: Negotiating Without Giving In

In a challenging economy where everyone takes position, how do you negotiate to get what you want without losing too much of what you have?


Negotiation skills are used by all managers, either face-to-face or by telephone, both with external organizations and internally with colleagues. Beyond the world of buying and selling, managers use negotiation skills for a variety of reasons; project deadlines, human resource allocations, service delivery specifications, improved support, or increased budget allocation.


This intensive, hands-on, activity driven program teaches skills that boost better results through increased understanding and effective implementation of the negotiation process. It helps sharpen the negotiation skills of even experienced managers, empowering you to take advantage of every negotiation opportunity. By providing you with a rigorous training environment, your active participation in our program will enable you to apply and sustain your learning to a point of forming winning habits. You will have the ability to create the greatest positive impact at every given opportunity when facing any negotiation every time.

Winning Negotiation

focuses on the following areas:

Active listening


Discovery questioning


Offensive and defensive tactics

Training Outcome

After completing the program, you should be able to:

Sales & Marketing

High Impact Selling Skills

High Impact Presentation Skills

High Impact Sales Team Management

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) for Sales

Customer Services

After completing the training, you should be able to:

5 Star Service Excellence

Customer Relationship Management

Customer Service Telephone Skill

Delighting Customers and Management Customer Dissatisfaction

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